The Sisters of Notre Dame

Consecrated women missioned to proclaim God’s goodness and provident care by living Gospel values in communities, by promoting Catholic education for women and children in urban and mission schools, and by fostering the fullness of life, especially for people who are poor, sick and aged.

Our Center

NDUEC is a sponsored institution of the Sisters of Notre Dame in the USA. Nearly 50-60 children attend our programs each day. Students benefit from enhanced self-esteem, improved social skills, and appropriate education.

Our Programs

The work of NDUEC has been modeled around best practices in education. At present the Center has four educational programs: Early Learning, Homework Plus, Summer Academics, Family Support.

The Butler Foundation has challenged Notre Dame Urban Education Center via a 1:1 challenge grant, which means they will match donations dollar-for-dollar up to $50,000. In short, for every dollar raised before June 30, 2025, the Butler Foundation will contribute an equal amount!

Notre Dame Urban Education Center

Established in 2009, the Notre Dame Urban Education Center serves the children of Northern Kentucky through individualized tutoring, cultural enrichment, and supervised fitness. Our programs are designed to build self-esteem and confidence. Volunteers play a unique role in direct service to the children or in assisting with the mission to help others.

If you want to make an impact on the future generation, volunteering at NDUEC is for you. We offer several different ways to get involved, so contact us today!


NDUEC provides transformative educational experiences to impact individual wellbeing.


To awaken and support one’s passion for life-long learning.


Early Learning

The Early Learning program is designed for children ages four and five who are not eligible for Kindergarten.  The goal of this program aims to prepare pre-K children for a classroom setting, introduce school subjects, and promote socialization among peers.

NDUEC home work plus

Homework Plus

The Homework PLUS program provides one-on-one tutoring for students utilizing nearly 100+ adult and high school volunteers. This program features three components: one-on-one tutoring, academic skill building, and enrichment.  The enrichment session engages the students in art, music, current events, fun trivia, basketball, billards, corn hole, and more!  The program provides a safe environment in which students are supported by caring adults who assist them to become responsible students in completing homework in a timely manner.   This program runs from September thru May for the current school year.

Summer Academics

The Summer Academics program provides students going into grades 1- 9 with one-on-one help in math, reading, and English.  Notre Dame Urban Education Center recognizes the need for students to be prepared for the new school year. Students also engage in stem garden activities. Summer Academics takes place during the four weeks in June.

NDUEC family night

Family Support

NDUEC has four Family Support nights during each school year. This program provides a hot meal for our families and hosts speakers on various topics of interest.  The evening is filled with camaraderie and support.