Homework Plus
Homework PLUS program provides one-on-one tutoring for students utilizing 100+ volunteers. This program offers a safe environment where students are supported by caring volunteers who help them become responsible learners. This service allows families to focus on better quality time with their children while giving them the confidence to begin the next school day. The program features three components: homework, individualized tutoring, and enrichment.
Tutors work with each student, providing homework assistance, reading/writing support, and educational skill-building activities.
•Individualized Tutoring:
Tutors use direct interaction for academic skill-building based on students’ needs.
Staff and tutors engage students in STEM principles and concepts, art, music, current events, board games, billiards, basketball, and various planned activities.
Homework Plus program serves children in grades K-8 and meets four days a week (Monday-Thursday) from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., September through May, each academic year.

Educational assistance has become an alarming need for our children in the urban setting. Many children have limited to no access to the Internet or sufficient technology for online instruction. Some children do not have anyone at home to help them with their assigned learning packets or homework from their schools. Notre Dame Urban Education Center hopes to be an avenue of recovery for children to reclaim their education.
Homework PLUS
Tuesday, September 3, 2024, and ends Thursday, May 15, 2025
NDUEC building is open from 2:45 p.m. – 5:10 p.m.
Monday through Thursday
NDUEC will follow Kentucky’s Healthy at School and the CDC guidelines for everyone’s safety